Food photography and styling workshops with Tim Clinch and Mari Moilanen
Sat – Sun 19-20.8.2017, Helsinki, Finland
Join professional photographers Tim Clinch & Mari Moilanen for this amazing journey and learn the tricks of food photography, lighting and styling.
This year the main focus of this workshop will be light and how to make it your friend. Photography is all about light, and too few people take the time to really LEARN how to use it and make the most of it.

We all know that when the conditions are perfect it is easier to take great pictures. We all also know that the conditions are NOT always perfect. As professional photographers both Tim & Mari know that they can never use the excuse of bad weather, or difficult lighting situations to make up for pictures that are less than perfect. The client wants only the best.
We will not only be spending a morning shooting in one of Helsinki’s best known food markets and photographing (both plated dishes, specially prepared for us, and behind the scenes) in the award winning restaurant TOCA, but we will also intensively cover shooting in artificial lighting using different types of lighting systems in one of Helsinki’s most beautiful wine cellars. On Sunday we will have a park picnic during which you will also learn how to use natural light and make it work for you.

During this intensive, two day course you’ll learn the essence of food photography, hear and learn the best ’tricks of the trade’ for beautiful styling by watching demos, shooting together and hands on practice.
We will deal with the importance of post-processing and learn how to use Lightroom’s most useful features, and possibly most important of all we will deal with the often neglected subject of editing. Which pictures will add impact to your website and which pictures will weaken it…how to use your photography for the most impact.

But the most important skill of all is how to ‘MAKE LIGHT YOUR FRIEND’ and ensure that, just like the professionals, you never again fail to get the pictures you want because of the light conditions. With the expert help and guidance provided you will learn how to make your pictures strong, un-fussy and full of the ’punch’ needed to make your work stand out from the crowd.

All in all, this workshop will help you to find your own voice in the world of food photography and styling, and give you the confidence and photographic skills to make it better.
As Tim always says…’You’ll never be a better FOOD photographer till you’re a better PHOTOGRAPHER’
The workshop will be held in a beautiful and atmospheric place, Ruttopuiston viinikellari in the city of Helsinki.

Workshop: 19-20 August 2017 in Helsinki, Finland
Ruttopuiston viinikellari, Lönnrothinkatu 12, Helsinki
Participation fee:
850 euros (private person), 850 euros + VAT (company participants).
Maximum number of participants:
10-12 persons
Participation fee includes:
A two-day intensive course held by Tim Clinch & Mari Moilanen, breakfast, three course lunch on the first day as well as a delicious, home cooked brunch and a farewell sparkling wine toast on the second day. Complementary refreshments, coffee and tea are included. The participation fee does not include accommodation.
Please send your name, address, the name of the blog you may have and your phone number to the address info@rockyourblog.fi. Please let us also know how long you have been doing photography, what you wish to learn about in the workshop and which graphics software you use when editing your photographs. Also, if you have some dietary issues (vegetarian, glutein-free etc. ) we should be aware of, please let us know.
After registering you will receive an invoice via e-mail, which shall be paid within 10 days. If the invoice has not been paid before due date, your reservation is canceled and handed over to the next person.
General terms and conditions for the workshop:
Registration is binding. A deposit of 50 % is required to secure your registration. The remaining 50% is due in April 2017, no refunds are available after booking unless you can find someone to fill your space. If a person is unable to participate, another person can take his/her place without extra charge before the workshop begins. To secure your spot on this workshop we request that full payment be made upon registration.
Rock your Blog Oy reserves the right to modify the content of the workshops or seminars, change the venue and cancel the workshops if the required minimum number of participants is not met. In this case, the participation fee paid will be fully refunded.Presentations and main workshop language will be in English.
Organizers and contact info:
Experienced Professional photographer specialising in food, travel & lifestyle photography, Tim is a contributor to some of the world’s most prestigious magazines and is a multiple award winner at the ’Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year Awards’.
Email: tim@timclinchphotography.com
Tim Clinch portfolio
Food photographer, food writer, stylist & top food blogger as well. Alongside her prolific magazine work, Mari is author of three cookbooks and currently working on her fourth.
www.marimoilanenphotography.com and www.jotainmaukasta. fi
Email: info@rockyourblog.fi
This course is aimed at anyone interested in learning about food photography and styling – from amateur or professional bloggers, journalists and photographers to those just interested in improving their photographic skills.
And of course, there is no food photography without food! During the workshop you’ll enjoy delicious brunches and lunches and wines.
Come and join us for a tasty, informative and enjoyable weekend, and improve your skills at the same time.